Stop on a Dime: Learn How to Change Brake Pads in Your Car Like a Pro with These Easy-to-Follow Steps!
The vast majority of people have the misconception that changing brake pads yourself is less expensive than bringing them to a shop to have it done professionally because there are fewer fees involved. If you follow these pointers, you can pull over your vehicle, diagnose the problem, and make the necessary repairs without having to worry about the cost of the necessary parts.
1. Exposing the Brake Pads

Before continuing, you have to make absolutely certain that it is completely risk-free to handle the brake pads.
To begin, you need to acquire the appropriate brake pads. Pads are always ready and available for use at any auto mechanic or any of the local car dealerships in the area. Simply inform the mechanics experts of the year, and they will be able to select and form of your vehicle and choose a correct pad within your price budget allocation. In general, the longer they labor, the higher the budget they are given to work with.
You should also make sure that the automobile is cooled down. After several days of driving, you may find that the pads, calipers, and rotors on your vehicle have become extremely heated.
The lug screws need to have their tightness reduced. When you need to loosen any of the lug bolts on the vehicle, you must use the lug wrench that came with the car jack. About two thirds of the way onto the automobile, the nuts secure the wheels to the vehicle.
In addition to that, you carefully jack the vehicle up. It is highly recommended that you consult the owner’s handbook of your vehicle in order to determine the appropriate location for the car jack that is located underneath the vehicle. It would be helpful to place some stones behind the other wheels of the vehicle in order to stop it from moving and rolling around.
If you own a car, I would appreciate it if you could place a jack stand underneath the chassis of the vehicle. The next step is to take off the wheels. After your vehicle has been lifted, you will finish the process by removing the lug nuts and loosening them first. After that, the wheel can be dragged directly out toward it in order to dismiss it.After that, could you kindly remove the caliper bolts by using a ring spanner or the appropriate size socket?
If you do not contact the brake pads and take measurements between the brake pads and the mounting surface, then it is absolutely necessary to refit the caliper in order to replace it.As a side note, you should also exercise extreme prudence when hanging the caliper with small pieces of wire to the wheel. Both the cylinder and the brake line would be linked together in this configuration. As a result, you must suspend it using a minute portion of a wire hanger or some other piece of discarded metal. If you use this technique, it will not hang, which will prevent undue pressure from being applied to the flexible brake hose and prevent damage to it.
2. Changing the Pads

It might require a bit of effort to get old pads to burst open. As a result, you are obligated to provide comprehensive treatment for them. In addition, while you are removing the calipers and brake lines, it would be helpful if you made an effort not to damage them.
You continue to take off the used sheets. Typically, you will need to use some metal clips for snapping or clipping in order to remove both cushions.The advice of knowledgeable individuals is that we ought to place on the new pads. In this stage of the process, anti-seize lubricant can be traced along the metal contact edges and on the pad’s rear. This helps reduce the amount of squeaking that occurs. Despite this, there is no need to apply any kind of lubricant on the inside of the brake pads.
Additionally, the brake fluid is a component that needs to be inspected and should be done so. Be sure to check the amount of the brake fluid in your vehicle and top it off with the appropriate fluids if it is low. When you have finished inspecting the brake fluid reservoirs, you replace the covers on them.The micrometer will need to be adjusted at the next stage. You will need to lower the caliper back over the rotor in a gradual manner. To ensure that nothing is damaged in the process, it is extremely simple to follow. When you get to the next step, you will need to return the wheel back where it came from and then slide it into its proper position.
Before you start taking the vehicle apart, there is one thing you need to make sure you do, and that is to tighten each and every lug nut. When the vehicle is completely positioned on the ground, this is the point at which the lug bolts should be tightened. You open the door and start the engine. Please check to see that the vehicle is in the park or neutral position, and then apply the brakes anywhere between fifteen and twenty times. In addition to that, you warrant that the cushion will be positioned accurately. It is strongly recommended that you lower the amounts of brake fluid or bleed the brakes section in order to expel the old fluid and replace it with the new fluid.
3. Bleeding the Brakes

In general, you should anticipate from the master cylinder that the brake can be bled the farthest, which is why the best piece of advise in this situation is to manually check before carrying out this action.
It is strongly suggested that motorists remove the cover from the brake master cylinder. The brake fluid can become contaminated by dirt and a wide variety of other microscopic elements. These negative variables will also absorb and consume the moisture that is present in the air, which will result in a dangerous reduction in the boiling point. How do you figure out the right direction for the blood to go? There is no uniformity in the form or dimensions of any automobile. In the event that you do not have access to any manual supporter, having an auto parts store examine your vehicle is a sensible alternative.
There is a bleeder nipple that has a short piece of plastic tubing attached to it. Aquarium tubes are available at a low expense and work well for this purpose. It is practical to collect the liquid by placing the remaining portion of the hose in a bottle or pan because this makes it easier to do so.
You can also utilize gravity on your side by hanging or holding the bottle above the calipers in order to prevent air from moving back into the system. This is necessary if you want to prevent air from moving back into the system.
At this point, you will need to transfer the liquid that was contained within the hose into a large container or a pan. Not to be stopped at this function; it is necessary to screw the bleeder screw back in by the time your friend’s foot contacts the floor.
Again, you must proceed with this procedure until you can visually and tactilely confirm that there are no more air bubbles. In the end, you perform a final inspection and test of the device to ensure there are no air bubbles present.
Even when you don’t have access to a sufficient number of supporting tools, you still find yourself asking a great deal of inquiries about how to correctly install brake pads. You have the option of asking somebody else who works in this industry who you believe to carry out the task on your behalf.
Additionally, the dealership is able to be of service to you! Last but not least, make an appointment with some other specialists to have your brake pads replaced, as this is still thought of as one of the most direct ways to address the significant issues you are having.